I just got back from a stay at the Oregon Coast, the place I would rather be than anywhere else. It even tops the library. Can you believe it? I love the craggy beauty - the flat, wet beaches, the huge rugged rock masses, the violent waves . . . even storms are gorgeous at the beach.
I was actually hoping for a storm. So, when I woke up this morning and saw my window pane streaked with raindrops, I was a happy girl. The ocean completely changes color when it's stormy. It becomes this liquid gray, and the curling white foam stands out even stronger, wilder.
I was a little surprised by my attitude this spring break. Maybe it's because I'm so used to racing around, maybe it's because I'm a workaholic. Whatever the case (and I don't think it's the "workaholic" one), I had a few bumps in the road. Isn't that weird? I was at the place I love the most with the people I love the most reading one of my favorite novels, and I felt uneasy, unsettled.
I guess we all go through times like that, and mine just emerged over spring break. But, when you have time, you get confronted with your issues. The distraction I rail against can actually be my best friend. My quiet times with the Jesus man helped, but I'm still dealing with some stuff, some blue emotions you're not supposed to feel on vacation (for pete's sake!). Who knew spring break would evoke a case of the spring mopes.
Still, I shouldn't complain too much. I'll be thrust into the whirlwind on Monday. For the remaining days of vacation, maybe I can discover why I feel so strange, just not at peace. Maybe drawing near to Pea