There's this analogy Christ has of a grape vine. He talks about how the branches with lots of leaves have to be pruned off so that the plant will stop putting energy into making leaves and start making fruit. Then this Jesus man talked about how that's like our lives and how we must let God come in and "prune" our lives by cutting off things that take our energy from making real fruit. Now, this fruit that He talks about actually means we are looking more like Jesus.
This past week and a half has been a pruning week, a week where I finally let God, the big gardener of my heart, come in and cut off some of the excess stuff. The branches He cut off were ones I had been wanting to get rid of for a long time anyways, but I had gotten so used to having them, I think I was a little nervous. We are creatures of habit, and comfort, at least I am. I had gotten into habits of comfort with these branches, and have the pruning shears go at them was a little difficult at first. It was quick. One swift move and a few staples that had become part of Christen's life fell to the ground.
I really sensed God say that He has a calling on my life and that these "branches" were getting in the way of me following the call. Then, I got this picture of an athlete with some extra poundage who was having a hard time running; this athlete's run was more like a waddle. And I remembered that verse where the apostle Paul talks about training to run the race we are called to run. I admit, Jesus, I have been avoiding the training, avoiding the pruning, whatever analogy you prefer.
So, sometimes I miss these old habits. They were sort of like old friends. But, then I remember that there is something better in store. Because who wants to eat a bunch of leaves anyways? What you really want is fruit on those branches.
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