Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Please Come Home

My mom says you don't really know how much you can love until you are a parent. She says it's the kind of love that hurts you so much. The kind of love that almost scares you because it consumes you. And she says she never knew she could feel so much.

I'm not a mom. Well, I did get the best potential mother award in highschool as a senior, but I digress. I'm not a mom, but I am a sister and a friend, and a youth leader. And I think I have felt a little drop of this kind of love. It is the kind of love that leaves a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach. The kind of love that makes you almost wish you could not feel, because it's so consuming.

This kind of love is what I think could be called God-love. I can't even imagine how God must feel. He is the big dad. The father of generations of children, and He has had to watch for thousands of years as His children break His heart, over and over.

Oh God, how do you stand that?

How can you stand to watch your kids leave your house?

Take their money and run?

They saw how good your love was and said "no thanks"

They felt your awesome touch and said, "You're not real"

And still, You would take them back

In a second, you would open up your door and say, "Finally home"

Being in church for many years means I have seen many people walk away and choose a life without their Dad. Some come back after years away. The prodigals. My heart breaks with this God-love. If MY heart, my small heart, can hurt so much, how must the giant heart of my Father feel?

Please, come home.

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