Thursday, June 11, 2009

Starry Nights and Strawberry Nights

The cardigan is warm on my shoulders
It guards against the chilly edge of the summer night
My eyes are used to the dark now
and I can make out the faces of my dad and brother

My hair is falling over my face in tangled curls
I really need a trim
The upbeat tempo of the guitar sparks my imagination
I feel a little smile playing on my lips

And I think that it is about time
For this summer to come

My books are safely tucked underneath my desk
My pencils, once sharp and ready, are hidden in the drawer
My reading glasses lay on my nightstand
And I am through

I feel the relief in the thought
That the night is young and sleep is deep
I feel comfort in the thought that the weekend is near
Excitement and rest

It's true it's been cloudy
But Oregon June is always like that
And I know that summer is here

I anticipate nights
starry nights
fresh strawberry nights
camp fire nights
ocean nights
LOST nights
late night swim nights
sleeping bag nights
giggling high schooler nights
journaling nights
All of them spent in the dusky orange and pink sky.
All of them enjoyed in the warm, cooling, fragrant evening.
There is nothing like a summer in Oregon.

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