Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Choice You Made - A Christmas Poem

B looy, b loody
Your eye is bruised
One is swollen shut

Broken, breaking
Your feet now stumble
You are struggling hard

Shamed, so shameful
You are blamed
and everyone is laughing

Do you remember back?
Before this moment . . .
back when it was simple?

Do you remember?
Being little?
Being a kid?

Do you remember saying yes?
Do you regret the choice you made?

Why? Why? Why? Why?

Why would you
of all people

Choose to suffer
And now you look at me
With such intensity

You are b loody, broken, shamed
And yet you look at me and whisper

"It is worth it."

And that is the meaning of Christmas

1 comment:

Ashley Porter said...

this is really nice Christen, you're such a talented writer!